NYPL Introduces Spider-Man Library Card!

Hi, all.


Now that I have your attention: Spider-Man.

Marvel / NYPL

Back in July, for Amazing Spider-Man #900, I scripted a back-up story — with art by David Lopez, color art by Nathan Fairbairn, and lettering by Joe Caramagna — called AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.

Inspired by an idea from editor Nick Lowe (torn from the headlines, SVU-style) the New York Public Library announced this year that late fees would be forgiven — and Peter Parker would have a lot of late fees.

Art by Lopez, Fairbairn, & Caramagna.

Well, now life is imitating art imitating life with the introduction of the NYPL Spider-Man Library Card — THAT’S RIGHT, LIMITED EDITION SPIDER-MAN VARIANTS ARE NOT JUST FOR COMICS ANYMORE.


NYPL's Special Edition Spider-Man Library Card Coming October 11

Knowledge is power! Scale new heights with NYPL's special, limited-edition Spider-Man library card, available in branches starting October 11. Tap into the power of reading with book recommendations, including a multitude of Marvel graphic novels, plus free programs, events, and more for all ages at your friendly neighborhood library.

EVERYONE can also now read our Spider-Man library story for free on Marvel Unlimited, RIGHT NOW.

Art by Lopez, Fairbairn, & Caramagna.

It’s a quick five pages, available on all devices and browsers — and then head to your local public library (or library app) for thousands more free comics where that came from.

Patience (or Fortitude?) enjoys Amazing Spider-Man #900; via NYPL

Hourly Comic Day 2021

Hi, all.

February 1st, 2021 was annual HOURLY COMIC DAY, and I’ve always wanted to participate — and this year, we also had a book to promote — so I did. First on Post-its®, then on a tablet I’ve been trying to get the hang of, and then back on Post-its®.

Cameos from Jennifer Wright, Zoom co-workers, and TV’s Lupin.

Princess Dinosaur illustrator, Ashley Quach, also (brilliantly, adorably) did her hourly comics as Princess Dinosaur — thread here.

Pick up Princess Dinosaur here or from a local bookstore near you — and find everything Ashley draws as Sassquach.com