'Good Job' Everyone Who Didn't Do A Terrible Job.

Hi, all. The previous administration is over.

Not pictured: Jennifer’s Rainbow Bagel on account of it being disgusting.

Not pictured: Jennifer’s Rainbow Bagel on account of it being disgusting.

Whatever happens next, whatever fractious nightmare, whatever entrenched evil, whatever global catastrophe defines the next era, it will not be this exact flavor of cruelty and stupidity and for that alone I am grateful.

This entry is a bit of an experiment — I’ve moved the newsletter over to my website’s blog section so that I only have to update one website and it still (fingers x’d) reaches your inbox. You have a lovely inbox, by the way. I saw a spider on my way in, but I didn’t kill it because guess what I DIDN’T see? That’s right — other bugs.

My plan for this blog / newsletter going forward:

  1. Shorter.

  2. More frequent.

  3. More interesting, honestly.

  4. Entirely free.

But thank you to everyone who had a paid subscription, now more than ever because—

First official Dad Joke.

First official Dad Joke.

We’re having a girl and Jennifer is due in July. If you’re able and feeling generous, our baby registry is here: http://babylist.com/kibblewright

— because, oh god, they need so many little chairs WHY DO THEY NEED SO MANY LITTLE CHAIRS?

Okay, good luck everyone. Let me know if you want me to take the spider outside on my way out and deposit it in the grass, I’ll need an index card and a Dixie cup.